• 08033334444
  • orumbanorth@anambrastate.gov.ng

Welcome to Orumba North LGA

A Slice of Anambra's Rich Heritage


Successful Project


Years Experience


Live Project


Worldwide Clients

Orumba North: Where Tradition Meets Fertility

Orumba North, situated in the heart of East-central Nigeria, is a vibrant Local Government Area within the state of Anambra. This enchanting region is home to 16 major towns, each with its unique charm and cultural significance.

What Service we provide for you

Birth Registration

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Marriage Registration

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Business Permits and Licenses

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Club registration

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Death Registration

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Social Welfare Support

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Tax Collection

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Community Development Projects

Start your online Business with us. We will provide you all kind of service for your product.

Our Mission

To create a prosperous and sustainable Orumba North LGA where everyone has the opportunity to reach their full potential.

Our Vission

To be a prosperous and sustainable LGA where all citizens have equal opportunities to live a good life.

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